The Collection

We’ve commissioned META COLLECT’s OG pixel artist Jon Trafford to recreate a BTC MACHINE following the theme of each Finney character. Finney’s lore is built through a diverse cast of characters. This mini collection highlights these unique figures while paying homage to BTC Machines.

Read on to learn about Finney characters and how you could get your hands a Finney BTC MACHINE!!!

OG’s Machine

Character: OG, a crypto OG who mined Bitcoin in 2009 and now runs a pawn shop for the love of it. No one knows quite how many bitcoins he owns but his relaxed nature hints that money is no longer a concern. Featured on his machine is his favorite coffee cup.

Distribution: Swagtoshi Nakamoto Art Contest.

Open to public.

Link will appear here once live.

Rolo’s Machine

Character: Rolo, a gorilla held captive in Shift Tower may play a key role in the future of Finney's battle with Mr. Shift His pet bird keeps him company in his cage.

Distribution: Discord raffle.

Exclusive to BTC MACHINE holders.

Link will appear here once live.

Snap’s Machine

Character: Snap, Finney's GF, while supportive of his journey to earth to learn about crypto, does at times find it hard to understand his obsession with this new technology and wishes he would spend more time with her. Sound familiar? Finney should buy her flowers more often.

Distribution: Discord raffle.

Exclusive to BTC MACHINE holders.

Link will appear here once live.

Floppy’s Machine

Character: Floppy, a clown working the streets of Shift City has seen it all before. There is value in being connected to the streets and the UNDRGRND... In the words of Floppy "He saw you coming"

Distribution: BountyBlok raffle.

Exclusive to Finney holders.

Link will appear here once live.

Ziggy’s Machine

Character: Ziggy, OG's pet cat is not your average feline. Escaping Mr. Shift's AI experiments he has super cat powers and can now spot a meme coin pump a mile away.

Distribution: BountyBlok raffle.

Exclusive to Finney holders.

Link will appear here once live.

Mr. Shift’s Machine

Character: Mr. Shift, an evil gold bug obsessed with maximizing profit margins at all costs. He's been known to exploit crypto newbs by shilling shit coins and can't be trusted. Finney's pinky finger features on his pedestal...

Distribution: Auction.

Open to public.


Finney’s Machine

Character: Finney, a likable android on a mission to Earth to learn about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. His Cryptowriter helmet holds access to all of crypto's secrets.

Distribution: Auction.

Open to public.


BTC MACHINES: Twitter | Discord | Website 

FINNEY: Twitter | Discord | Website


Immutable Artifacts at OG’s Pawnshop 👀
