Immutable Artifacts at OG’s Pawnshop 👀

Finney’s Immutable artifacts are 1/1 digital artifacts inscribed fully on-chain, on Bitcoin.

While exploring Shift City, Finney is collecting various items from his journey, with the intention to share them with his home planet. But, there is one small problem, he can’t fit them all into his spaceship! 

Luckily, his buddy OG is here to help…

OG: “Hey Finney, I have a deal for you to consider. There’s a new protocol on Bitcoin called Ordinals, it allows you to store digital items fully on-chain, immutably forever! How about I contact my old pal, Jon Trafford, an incredible pixel artist that worked with Warner Bros on Sega games like Bugs Bunny back in the 90s, he can digitize your items into pixel artworks. I will then inscribe them onto Bitcoin for you as 1/1 collectibles.”

“In return for each artifact I inscribe, you give me a page from your new comic, no one has inscribed a comic book on Bitcoin yet and I want Finney to be the first!”

Finney: “Making history on planet Earth, LFG!!!”

OG: “You’ll have no trouble fitting your items into your spaceship as they will all fit onto your ledger, and you won’t have to worry about them degrading over time.”

Finney: “Wow thanks OG, sounds like a good deal to me!” Just one thing, can you teach me more about Ordinals on Bitcoin? It sounds fascinating and important.”

OG: “Sure thing my man, I think it would be great content for the next issue of your comic”

Hold up, did I hear OG say Immutable Artifacts = Comic book pages?

Finney took OG up on his offer, and now OG holds the first comic book ever inscribed on Bitcoin, Finney Issue 1, The Immutable Journey.

After reading the comic and getting to know Finney’s community through his Discord, OG didn’t feel right keeping the historic comic book to himself and has decided it should be shared with Finney’s loyal explorers!

OG also mentioned that only Finney PFP holders will have the opportunity to win Immutable Artifacts and the more Finney’s you hold the more chances you have to win one! Apparently holding an artifact will be your key to securing a page of the first comic book ever inscribed on Bitcoin.

Finney’s Immutable Journey is just beginning and we are excited to have you all along for the ride. Stay tuned to our Twitter and Discord for announcements on Finney’s Immutable Artifacts.


